About the show

Join Fr. John Riccardo and Mary Guilfoyle in their podcast, “You Were Born for This with Fr. John Riccardo” where they will talk about anything and everything that has to do with transforming the Church.

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You Were Born for This with Fr. John Riccardo on social media


  • Episode 35: Easter: Jesus is Risen, There Is Work to Do!

    April 13th, 2020  |  42 mins 39 secs
    christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    What is the message of Easter and what can we do to make it believable in our days as it was in the early Church? The world needs your witness!

    In this episode, Fr. John, Nick, and Mary welcome Dcn. Steve Mitchell to the mic as they have a conversation about the life-changing news that is the Resurrection and how we can begin the work of building for the Kingdom of God.

  • Episode 34: The Deceiver Has Been Deceived: Easter Vigil Homily, April 2019

    April 11th, 2020  |  22 mins 23 secs
    #catholic, #christian, #easter, #eastervigil, #frjohnriccardo, #holyweek, #lent2020, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    We are re-releasing this homily, "The Deceiver Has Been Deceived," that Fr John Riccardo proclaimed at the Easter Vigil in April 2019 because we think it is more relevant now than when it was originally released.

  • Episode 33: Something for Everyone: Good Friday Homily, April 2019

    April 10th, 2020  |  25 mins 36 secs
    #catholic, #christian, #easter, #frjohnriccardo, #goodfriday, #holyweek, #lent2020, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    We are re-releasing this homily, "Something for Everyone," that Fr John Riccardo proclaimed on Good Friday in April 2019 because we think it is more relevant now than when it was originally released.

  • Episode 32: The End of the Eclipse: Holy Thursday Homily, April 2019

    April 9th, 2020  |  29 mins 4 secs
    #holythursday, #holyweek, #lent, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    We are re-releasing this homily, "The End of the Eclipse," that Fr John Riccardo proclaimed on Holy Thursday in April 2019 because we think it is more relevant now than when it was originally released.

  • Episode 31: Be Not Afraid: You Don’t Need to Hide from the Lord!

    April 8th, 2020  |  10 mins 48 secs
    #benotafraid, #holyweek, #lent, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    Do you think Jesus died for the ideal you? No, He died for the real you!

    In this episode, Fr. John invites us to allow God to touch the memories of our past sins and wounds, and to celebrate in these days all Jesus has done for us on the cross and to know that it’s possible to begin again.

  • Episode 30: Be Not Afraid: Jesus Didn’t Die for Crowds

    April 7th, 2020  |  8 mins 29 secs
    #benotafraid, #godwantshisworldback, #lent, #palmsundaythoughts, #youweremadeforthis, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    Do you know, really know, how valuable you are to God? You are worth dying for!

    In this episode, Fr. John reflects upon his experience of celebrating Palm Sunday and invites us in these most holy days to ponder just how much we matter to God.

  • Episode 29: A Holy Week Unlike Any Other

    April 6th, 2020  |  45 mins 25 secs
    #godwantshisworldback, #holyweek, #lent, #youwerebornforthis, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    Looking for some ways to celebrate Holy Week at home? There’s a lot you can do to make the most of these great days.

    In this episode, Father John, Nick, and Mary share resources and ways we can celebrate Holy Week in our homes and enter more deeply into the mysteries we're about to celebrate.

  • Episode 28: Be Not Afraid: Hungry?

    April 4th, 2020  |  10 mins 10 secs
    #godwantshisworldback, #lent, #youwerebornforthis, christianity, detroit, deut 8:3, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    Is the Lord awakening within you a renewed desire for the Eucharist? In these days of waiting, trust He will sate your hunger.

    In this episode, against the backdrop of Deuteronomy 8:3, Fr. John talks about how the Lord is intensifying our hunger for the Eucharist as we walk through our own wilderness, offering us something practical to do in the holy days ahead.

  • Episode 27: Be Not Afraid: Probing, Petition, and Praise

    April 3rd, 2020  |  8 mins 44 secs
    #benotafraid, #godwantshisworldback, #youwerebornforthis, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    What are you wrestling with in the midst of the pandemic? Bring your struggles before the Father and don’t forget to praise Him!

    In this episode, Fr. John breaks open Jeremiah 20:10-13 and applies the Word to our lives in these days of trial and suffering, exhorting us to praise God, the One who rescues.

  • Episode 26: Be Not Afraid: History and Tapestries

    April 2nd, 2020  |  12 mins 8 secs
    #benotafraid, #godwantshisworldback, #youwerebornforthis, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    Wondering if God knows what’s going on and if He even cares? Even amidst a pandemic, God can and will bring great good from it.

    In this episode, Fr. John opens up Sacred Scripture to show us how God steps onto the stage of human history in the Person of Jesus and by His death and resurrection releases us from sin and death and calls us to be agents of re-creation.

  • Episode 25: Be Not Afraid: Repentance to Restoration

    April 1st, 2020  |  10 mins 10 secs
    #benotafraid, #godwantshisworldback, #youwerebornforthis, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    How is God’s restoration project coming along in your life in these late days of Lent? Remember, you’re a beautiful masterpiece and He wants to recreate you to be all you are meant to be.

    In this episode, Fr. John returns to an image he shared early in Lent and talks about how the pandemic may be revealing the cracks, chips and flaws in our lives and reminds us that God is in the restoration business.

  • Episode 24: Be Not Afraid: Jesus is Lord!

    March 31st, 2020  |  8 mins 59 secs
    #benotafraid, #godwantshisworldback, #youwerebornforthis, christianity, detroit, evangelization, fr. john riccardo, gospel, parish renewal, priest

    Looking for certainty in these uncertain days? Here’s a few questions to take to prayer. Just wait until you hear the answers!

    In this episode, Fr. John poses a set of questions to us around who Jesus is and what He was doing on the Cross.